EUNACR’s Horus – Apollo Program

Horus Apollo Program

Research, Dialogue, and Publish


The program aims at practicing P2P diplomacy, cultural exchange, knowledge exchange among young scholars across the EU and North Africa.


Horus Apollo program focuses on two main pillars:


Cultural Exchange:

Horus Apollo Program aims at fostering “People to People Diplomacy” through cultural exchange online activities targeting young scholars across the Mediterranean.

The program withholds a sum of activities through online activities named “EUNACR Culture Circle”.


EUNACR Culture Circle Activities:

  • Circle 10
  • Book Club
  • Round tables

Circle 10:


EUNACR Book Club: 

This activity aims at knowledge production among young scholars of different nationalities in the Euro-Med area.

EUNACR’s Book Club will start on Saturday, the 7th of August, 2021 as Horus Apollo Program inaugurates.

The Book Club will discuss a different book every Saturday starting the 7th of August until 25th of September, 2021.

Discussions will be broadcasted on our YouTube channel

Saturday, 7th of August, 2021 at 3:30 pm (Cairo Local Time).

Saturday, 21 of August, 2021

Saturday, 4th of September, 2021

Saturday, 18th of September

All sessions will be conducted at 3:30 pm (CLT).

Books that will be discussed during the program are chosen based on chosen themes.


Theme 1: Socio-economic inequality 

Theme 2: Political Philosophy 

Theme 3: Political Psychology

List of Books will be announced on the 5th of August.



A sum of 3 Round tables throughout the program’s duration starting the 9th of August to the 29th of September.

Roundtable 1: “Impacts of Human Trafficking on Women in the Middle East”. 29th of August,2021.

Roundtable 2: “Climate Change Challenges in the Euro-Med region”. 13th of September, 2021.

Roundtable 3: “Water Disputes in The Middle East and Africa”. 29th of September, 2021.

Experts in the three mentioned Roundtable topics will be invited to give their insights. Roundtables will be moderated by EUNACR’s Leads, and experienced journalists.

Initially, the topic will be introduced, and a discussion will be moderated and questions addressed to the experts. the roundtable will only be accessible to previously registered participants.

to register to our roundtables, please choose “roundtable” on this form:


Horus -Apollo Program also includes,


EUNACR V Summer Workshops

World – Class Scholars are collaborating with EUNACR to deliver “Specialized Workshops” in up-to-date International Relations topics.

Some of these workshops will be delivered for free, while some others will charge fees of 250 Euros, or its equivalent in EGP.

Workshops will be conducted in the Languages its titled announced.

Free Workshops:

  • Propaganda and political disinformation (Eastern Mediterranean issue)
  • Workshop on “Public Speaking Skills”
  • دور الدراما في العنف ضد المرأة
  • الأسكندرية بين مصر واليونان
  • حركة الترجمة ودورها في تعزيز الثقافة والتواصل بين اليونان ومصر

Specialized Workshops: (250€)

  • Women, peace and Security in the Middle East
  • Egypt and the EU: Common Threats and Challenges
  • Hate speech and Cyberbullying
  • Countering Fake News
  • Soft Power and Public Diplomacy In The Arab World
  • TNCs – The Role of Business in World Affairs
  • Το τίτλο: Η Αλεξάνδρεια μεταξύ Αιγύπτου και Ελλάδας
  • Το τίτλο: ” Το μεταφραστικό κίνημα και ο ρόλος του στην πολιτιστική ανταλλαγή και επικοινωνία μεταξύ των δύο λαών”

Participants to this program will get a package of 4 specialized workshops of choice, 2 special book club sessions, 2 special roundtables, paper publishing.


Duration of the whole program: 9 weeks starting the 9th of August – 29th of September (Different time slots),


How to Apply:

to sign up for Horus -Apollo Specialized Workshop, please fill in this form.

EUNACR staff will contact you with our banking details.