EUNACR attends a workshop on “The Role of Think Tanks in the Development of Political and Partisan Decision Support”

EUNACR attends a workshop on “The Role of Think Tanks in the Development of Political and Partisan Decision Support”   In light of the ongoing National Dialogue which started April 26, 2022, the “Justice Party”, in partnership with the “Egypt Capabilities” Foundation, held a workshop and panel discussion on the status of think tanks in

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EUNACR Stands against Human Trafficking

30.07.2022 World Day against Trafficking in Persons   Human trafficking is a crime that exploits women, children and men for numerous purposes including forced labour and sex. The International Labour Organization estimates that 21 million people are victims of forced labour globally.   This estimate also includes victims of human trafficking for labour and sexual

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Το Ευρωπαϊκό Βορειοαφρικανικό Κέντρο Σπουδών (EUNACR) συγχαίρει τη Δρ. Samah Abdel Ghaffar για την απόκτηση διδακτορικού διπλώματος από το Πανεπιστήμιο Al-Azhar

Συγχαρητήριες ευχές στην Δρ. Samah Anwar Abdel Ghaffar για την απόκτηση  διδακτορικό δίπλωμα  στο τμήμα (Νεοελληνικής φιλολογίας) του πανεπιστημίου Αλ-Άζχαρ, Σχολή Γλωσσών και Μετάφρασης Η διδακτορική διατριβή είχε τίτλο ” Η Έννοια του εθνικισμού και της θηρεσκείας σύμφωνα με το Διονύσιο Σολωμό και τον Ahmed Muharram” (Μία Συγκριτική κριτική μελέτη) Συγχαίρουμε από καρδιάς και εις

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EUNACR is looking for passionate journalists

EUNACR is looking for passionate journalists to join our growing organization and become part of a network of tenacious, dedicated people reinventing investigative journalism as a part of today’s search for the truth We are looking for candidates who are passionate about covering the international relations flow of news , according to our geographical region

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European North African Center for Research is seeking three interns to join our “War and Economic Intelligence Unit”

“War and Economic Intelligence Unit”: European North African Center for Research is seeking three interns to join our “War and Economic Intelligence Unit” with a tentative start on May 20th, 2022, for a period of three months. This position is fully remote and can be done from any location with a reliable internet service. Vacancy

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