Masculinity and gender role changes during The Corona Pandemic Crisis
Dr Rasha Abou Shakra
Member of the Egyptian Parliament 2021
This study aims to focus on the gender role changes in the light of Corona crisis, the imposition of home quarantine and commitment to protection procedures, the most important of which is lockdown at home where freedom of men and women was limited as they stayed at home for long period. This study is based on the theoretical arguments of the dominant manhood theory of Connell as well as the Symbolic Interactionism Theory. Its method is the Ethnomethodological approach, in addition to a set of tools including online interviews due to lockdown. Its sample consists of 50 men and 50 women. Interviews discussed bringing up and division of roles based on gender. The study also discusses the most important analyzes of the gender roles of men and the effect of such changes on women. The study concludes that male patriarchal dominance still available till now. Moreover, there are some changes in productive roles of men as some men retreat from the role of the main family head due to unemployment that affects also many women who suffer from pressure and increasing domestic violence. Keywords: gender, masculinity, gender roles, Corona pandemic.
Keywords: gender, masculinity, gender roles, Corona pandemic